Thursday, January 28th 2021
Join our webinar on Thursday, January 28th at 10am CST to understand how you can streamline your SAC Planning process with Analytics Applications.
Back in October 2020, we did a webinar introducing the basics of Analytics Applications in Planning (see the summary here: and the recording here:
In this new webinar we will go one step further by showing you how Analytic Applications can be used to simplify the steps a user has to go through to complete some planning tasks. In this specific case we will be looking at the use case of New Hires in a Compensation Planning process where we integrate:
- Adding manual compensation estimates to plan for New Hires or Replacement Hires
- Automatically feed Job Postings to plan when applicable through a simple click-through interface
- Generate plan posting based on existing position or standard rates through a simple click-through interface
Once we’ve demoed the application, the last 10 minutes will be spent on what expertise is required to deliver this type of solution and how SimpleFi can help you reduce these costs through the use of our SAC pre-packaged content like the one described in this blog:
Please use your company email to register.

Eric Blondin
VP Platform & Technology
SimpleFi Solutions LLC